non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide



Lake: Pohjalampi is a small forest pond with the perch as a primary fish. Shoreline is covered with bushes and weed. Northern side of the pond has some deeper spots, but on average the pond is shallow. Roaches and pikes exists, but not in inconvenient amounts.

Fishing: The most common catch is the perch. Strategy for winning a competition depends on whether the big ones are biting or not. If the big ones happen to be mouths shut, you have to take what you can. A lucky pike can be valuable on those days.

Fish: Perch, Roach, Pike, Ruffe


Available Game Types: Normal | Quantity | All species | All species, quantity | Biggest fish | Only perch | Only perch, quantity | Three biggest fish | Five biggest fish

For more info on game types, visit the game type index.
