non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide


Pieni Särkinen

Lake: Pieni Särkinen is a small lake in central Finland. It has shallow depth profile and it is full of water plants. Water quality is still in good level, because the roach and similar fish can still reproduce well there.

Fishing: Main fish to catch is the roach, which is really common in the lake. Also perch exists, but it is more rare and smaller in size. Pikes also exists but they are not lacking natural nurishment, and that makes them hard to catch. Many other roach-type of fish species can be found from the lake, but their amount is significantly smaller compared to the roach.

Fish: Roach, Perch, Pike, Ruffe, Rudd, Silver Bream, Zope.


Available Game Types: Normal | Quantity | All species | All species, quantity | Biggest fish | Most species | Only ruffe | Only ruffe, quantity | Only perch | Only perch, quantity | Carp family fish | Carp family fish, quantity | Biggest carp family fish | Three biggest fish | Five biggest fish

For more info on game types, visit the game type index.
