non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide



Lake: Linlonlahti is a seaside bay located at Kirkkonummi. Quick variations between deep and shallow water makes the area interesting place to fish. Narrow spots between the islands might also provide well fish time to time.

Fishing: The place is well known from zander ice fishing, and provides, at least in theory, good possibilities for that. Best times to catch the zander or the perch are early autumn and late spring. In the autumn also the white fish might get attracted to small lures. The trout are rare but decent sized. Also the pike with sharp teeth might be teasing the fishermen.

Fish: Perch, Zander, White fish, Pike, Trout, Roach, Ruffe, Bream, Silver bream, Smelt, Ide, Rudd, Rainbow trout, Salmon, Viviparous, Bull-rout, Baltic herring, Three-spined stickleback, Burbot.


Available Game Types: Normal | All species | All species, quantity | Biggest fish | Most species | Only burbot | Only ruffe | Only perch | Only perch, quantity | Only zander | Biggest zander | Carp family fish | Carp family fish, quantity | Biggest carp family fish | Three biggest fish | Five biggest fish

For more info on game types, visit the game type index.
