Lake: Kolmisoppi is a small and clear water lake between sandy hills. It's profile is relatively flat, but it has a few deeper spots providing fresh and oxygen rich water for the fish. This is important in the spring.
Fishing: Lots of rainbow trouts are put to the lake to compensate pressure of heavy sport fishing. This means the lake should have fish to catch all the time. In the autumn and early winter fish are located mainly on the shallow water, but they move to deeper water during the winter. Because of the lake's extremely bare nature, other fish species are rare and small in size.
Fish: Rainbow trout, Pike, Perch, Roach, Ruffe.
Available Game Types: Normal | Quantity | All species | All species, quantity | Biggest fish | Only trout | Only perch | Only perch, quantity | Three biggest fish | Five biggest fish
For more info on game types, visit the game type index.