non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide



Lake: Haukilahti is a shallow bay on a larger lake. Muddy bottom and humus make the water dark. There are lots of water plants and weed on the bay. Because the water level is regulated heavily, area near the shorline is often frozen down to bottom.

Fishing: A typical catch is a medium sized perch, but some bigger once gather on the area occasionally. Water plants attract also the roach, especially during springtime. As the name of the bay indicates ("Pike bay") also pike is common there. White fish has been planted on the lake and time to time they find their way to the bay as well.

Fish: Perch, Roach, Pike, Dace, Bleak, Ruffe, White fish, Burbot.


Available Game Types: Normal | Quantity | All species | All species, quantity | Biggest fish | Most species | Only burbot | Only ruffe | Only ruffe, quantity | Only perch | Only perch, quantity | Carp family fish | Carp family fish, quantity | Biggest carp family fish | Three biggest fish | Five biggest fish

For more info on game types, visit the game type index.
