non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide


Command line parameters

Command line parameters

What it is, and how to use them

: "A command-line argument or parameter is an argument sent to a program being called. In principle a program can take many command-line arguments, the meaning and importance of which depend entirely upon the program." Wikipedia link

: In short, you can start the game with different predefined settings. These settings are mostly for hosting a game, so no need to tinker with this to just play a game.

: How to start using these parameters.

  • Right-click your ProPilkki2-shortcut on your desktop and choose Properties.
  • Find the field named Target:.
  • In this field the path and the name of the executable program is stated, it is usually "C:\Program Files\ProPilkki2\ProPilkki2.exe".
  • Place your cursor behind this and insert a space and then -help.
  • Click OK and then try to start the game with this shortcut.
  • You will then be presented with a dialog box with all the valid command-line parameters. See below.
  • You can use more than one parameters as long as you separate them with a space.
  • If you try, -host -nopublic -gamepassword gimblegook, you will start hosting a password protected game with the password 'gimblegook'and the host will not appear on the public hostlist.
  • If you use -host -adminpassword knaptoft -hostpassword winkley, you will host a game which has the admin password set to 'knaptoft', and the host password set to 'winkley'. This is very useful when your hosting a game as you can control and admin your host from the new web interface.
  • If you place a copy of this shortcut in 'Startup' on your Windows Start Menu, your computer will start hosting your game as soon as Windows have started. This way you can make a dedicated host that only need power and network connected to work. No need for screen, keyboard or mouse.

: The valid command-line parameters for ProPilkki2.exe is:

  • -help : Show help page
  • -host : Starts network game host automatically
  • -nopublic : Do not report to public hostlist
  • -playername "name" : Set name (or player profile) to use for host player
  • -playerpassword "password" : Password for player (if used)
  • -gamepassword "password" : Set password for network game
  • -adminpassword "password" : Set admin-password for network game
  • -hostpassword "password" : Set host-password (WEB-host-page)
  • -hello "hello text" : Hello text to show in startup.
